World Chess Championship Game-2,(Anand Vs Kramnik) drawn in 32 moves.
Yesterday we saw Anand hold the d
raw easily with black so today he will seek to capitalise on that with white. The match score is 0.5-0.5 so today will we see a Petroff Defence, Kramnik's super solid answer to 1.e4 or something sharper. The last outing with the Petroff at Dortmund saw Kramnik lose spectacularly to Arkady Naiditsch and then to Vasily Ivanchuk.

Anand - Kramnik Game 2:
(Notes by IM Malcolm Pein)
(Notes by IM Malcolm Pein)
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4
Wow. who said Vishy had to play 1.e4?
2...e6 3.Nc3
Anand has played successfully against the Queen's Indian in the past The Nimzo ?
3...Bb4 4.f3
Yes and Anand plays a super sharp line which has been championed by the Russian GM Viktor Moskalenko Now there is crazy stuff after this sequence - 4...c5 5.d5 Nh5 idea Qh4+ 6.Nh3 and if Qh4+ 7.Nf2 Qxc4 8.e4
Of course Kramnik plays the solid answer
5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 c5 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.dxc5
An important departure 8.Qd2 and Qd3 have been experimented with but did not work out well. We now head down a main line of theory tha has been analysed very deeply White will play e2-e4 and in some lines he hangs to the c5 pawn for a while to obstruct Black's possible play on the c file
8...f5 9.Qc2
This is a surprise although not unknown. 9.Nh3 has been played and 9.e4 fxe4 10.Qc2
9...Nd7 10.e4 fxe4 11.fxe4 N5f6
Qh4+ is met by g3
An important point, Anand does not want an isolated pawn on an open file which he would get if he allowed Nd7xc5
12...bxc6 13.Nf3 Qa5 14.Bd2
Vishy did not have to cover the c3 pawn as 14.Be2 was possible but perhaps he wants to play c4. In general Black would like to exchange a white bishop and so Bc8-a6 suggests itself Now it seems that 15.c4 would make sense but then Qc5 or Qc7. Had Vishy managed to place his bishops on c4 and e3 he may have had an edge. Now it seems rougly level [14.Be2 Nxe4? (14...0-0 15.0-0 Ba6 16.Bxa6 Qxa6 17.Bf4 Ng4 18.Ng5 Qc4 19.Qd2 Rad8 20.Qd4 Fritz 11: =(0.12)) 15.Qxe4 Qxc3+ 16.Kf2 Qxa1 17.Qxe6+ Kf8 18.Bf4 Qxh1 19.Bd6# Would be calamitous]
Kramnik wants to exchange one bishop because White's bishop pair can be strong
15.c4 Qc5
I am starting to like this for Black, White may have to be careful. The two bishops are no advantage in a position where one of them is completely locked in and the bishop on f1 is looking like a sorry piece. Black also has more active pieces. Anand must watch out for Nf6-g4
Now 16...Ng4 17.Bb4 Qe3+ or Qb6 are pretty dangerous for White but initial analysis suggests he may be OK the bishop on b4 is powerful [16.Bb4 Qe3+]
Definitely the most aggressive move of the match so far ! [16...Ng4 17.Bb4 Qb6 18.h3]
[17.Bb4 Qe3+ 18.Qe2 Seems OK for White 18...0-0-0 19.Qxe3 Nxe3 20.Kf2 Nxc4 21.Bxc4 Bxc4 22.Rhc1 Bb5 23.a4 Ba6 24.Rxc6+ Is better for White but this seems fine for Black he can improve on the line above as we will see]
17...Qe3+ 18.Qe2 0-0-0 19.Qxe3
[19.Qxe3 Nxe3 20.Kf2 Ng4+ 21.Kg3 Nge5 Seems fine Now Bf1 Well this is a lot more fun than yesterday at least there are some pawns which can drop off In general when Black captures on c4 a white rook comes to c1 and then captures on c6 with check disturbing the black king]
19...Nxe3 20.Kf2 Ng4+ 21.Kg3 Ndf6
Aggressive, Kramnik leaves the knight on g4 in the air to an extent and opens up the rook on d8 to attack the bishop on d3. It looks active but also risky
White must hang on to the e4 pawn but now he intends h2-h3
22...h5 23.h3
Now it seems to me that Kramnik is committed to sacrificing a pawn with h4+ [23.h3 h4+ 24.Nxh4 Ne5 25.Nf3 Nxc4 26.Ng5 Rhe8 Fritz 11: +(0.55)]
23...h4+ 24.Nxh4
Kramnik may play Ng4-e5 and take on c4 re-establishing material equality but the more the game opens up the better the white bishops might become Also taking on c4 as we discussed before opens the c file for a white rook This looks very risky for Black there were safer choices on move 21
24...Ne5 25.Nf3 Nh5+ 26.Kf2 Nxf3 27.Kxf3 e5!
The situation has clarified. Kramnik has some play for the sacrificed pawn but remember White's bishops are still potentially strong if some light square diagonals open up Black still cannot play Bxc4 because Rc1 will win back the c6 pawn Black can retreat to b5 but then a3-a4 dislodges the bishop White's bishop on b4 prevents Rf8+
[28.Rc1 Rh6 29.Ra2 Nf4 30.Be7 Rd4 31.c5 Bc4 32.Rb2 Nd3 Fritz 11: +(0.89)]
28...Nf4 29.Ra2
Very clever play from Anand his rooks cover loads of squares but not d1 at the moment
29...Nd3 30.Rc3 Nf4
Kramnik offers a repetition of moves Anand is having a think about this but he must try to play on with an extra pawn
31.Bc2 Ne6
Kramnik's knight is a great piece now he might play c6-c5 and the Rf8+ is possible. Also there is the idea of Nd4+ and takes on c2 when we get opposite coloured bishops which increase Black's chances of a draw Of course a computer will just say +1 for White but this Homo Sapiens reckons the bishop on c2 is a dud, Black's rooks have files and so Black has some compensation It's actually quite hard to see how White makes progress here. This is a high level game, positional factors take precedence
32.Kg3 Rd4
Black intends to take on c4 and if 33.c5 then both white bishops are hemmed in by pawns and Black has full compensation.
Wow. who said Vishy had to play 1.e4?
2...e6 3.Nc3
Anand has played successfully against the Queen's Indian in the past The Nimzo ?
3...Bb4 4.f3
Yes and Anand plays a super sharp line which has been championed by the Russian GM Viktor Moskalenko Now there is crazy stuff after this sequence - 4...c5 5.d5 Nh5 idea Qh4+ 6.Nh3 and if Qh4+ 7.Nf2 Qxc4 8.e4
Of course Kramnik plays the solid answer
5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 c5 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.dxc5
An important departure 8.Qd2 and Qd3 have been experimented with but did not work out well. We now head down a main line of theory tha has been analysed very deeply White will play e2-e4 and in some lines he hangs to the c5 pawn for a while to obstruct Black's possible play on the c file
8...f5 9.Qc2
This is a surprise although not unknown. 9.Nh3 has been played and 9.e4 fxe4 10.Qc2
9...Nd7 10.e4 fxe4 11.fxe4 N5f6
Qh4+ is met by g3
An important point, Anand does not want an isolated pawn on an open file which he would get if he allowed Nd7xc5
12...bxc6 13.Nf3 Qa5 14.Bd2
Vishy did not have to cover the c3 pawn as 14.Be2 was possible but perhaps he wants to play c4. In general Black would like to exchange a white bishop and so Bc8-a6 suggests itself Now it seems that 15.c4 would make sense but then Qc5 or Qc7. Had Vishy managed to place his bishops on c4 and e3 he may have had an edge. Now it seems rougly level [14.Be2 Nxe4? (14...0-0 15.0-0 Ba6 16.Bxa6 Qxa6 17.Bf4 Ng4 18.Ng5 Qc4 19.Qd2 Rad8 20.Qd4 Fritz 11: =(0.12)) 15.Qxe4 Qxc3+ 16.Kf2 Qxa1 17.Qxe6+ Kf8 18.Bf4 Qxh1 19.Bd6# Would be calamitous]
Kramnik wants to exchange one bishop because White's bishop pair can be strong
15.c4 Qc5
I am starting to like this for Black, White may have to be careful. The two bishops are no advantage in a position where one of them is completely locked in and the bishop on f1 is looking like a sorry piece. Black also has more active pieces. Anand must watch out for Nf6-g4
Now 16...Ng4 17.Bb4 Qe3+ or Qb6 are pretty dangerous for White but initial analysis suggests he may be OK the bishop on b4 is powerful [16.Bb4 Qe3+]
Definitely the most aggressive move of the match so far ! [16...Ng4 17.Bb4 Qb6 18.h3]
[17.Bb4 Qe3+ 18.Qe2 Seems OK for White 18...0-0-0 19.Qxe3 Nxe3 20.Kf2 Nxc4 21.Bxc4 Bxc4 22.Rhc1 Bb5 23.a4 Ba6 24.Rxc6+ Is better for White but this seems fine for Black he can improve on the line above as we will see]
17...Qe3+ 18.Qe2 0-0-0 19.Qxe3
[19.Qxe3 Nxe3 20.Kf2 Ng4+ 21.Kg3 Nge5 Seems fine Now Bf1 Well this is a lot more fun than yesterday at least there are some pawns which can drop off In general when Black captures on c4 a white rook comes to c1 and then captures on c6 with check disturbing the black king]
19...Nxe3 20.Kf2 Ng4+ 21.Kg3 Ndf6
Aggressive, Kramnik leaves the knight on g4 in the air to an extent and opens up the rook on d8 to attack the bishop on d3. It looks active but also risky
White must hang on to the e4 pawn but now he intends h2-h3
22...h5 23.h3
Now it seems to me that Kramnik is committed to sacrificing a pawn with h4+ [23.h3 h4+ 24.Nxh4 Ne5 25.Nf3 Nxc4 26.Ng5 Rhe8 Fritz 11: +(0.55)]
23...h4+ 24.Nxh4
Kramnik may play Ng4-e5 and take on c4 re-establishing material equality but the more the game opens up the better the white bishops might become Also taking on c4 as we discussed before opens the c file for a white rook This looks very risky for Black there were safer choices on move 21
24...Ne5 25.Nf3 Nh5+ 26.Kf2 Nxf3 27.Kxf3 e5!
The situation has clarified. Kramnik has some play for the sacrificed pawn but remember White's bishops are still potentially strong if some light square diagonals open up Black still cannot play Bxc4 because Rc1 will win back the c6 pawn Black can retreat to b5 but then a3-a4 dislodges the bishop White's bishop on b4 prevents Rf8+
[28.Rc1 Rh6 29.Ra2 Nf4 30.Be7 Rd4 31.c5 Bc4 32.Rb2 Nd3 Fritz 11: +(0.89)]
28...Nf4 29.Ra2
Very clever play from Anand his rooks cover loads of squares but not d1 at the moment
29...Nd3 30.Rc3 Nf4
Kramnik offers a repetition of moves Anand is having a think about this but he must try to play on with an extra pawn
31.Bc2 Ne6
Kramnik's knight is a great piece now he might play c6-c5 and the Rf8+ is possible. Also there is the idea of Nd4+ and takes on c2 when we get opposite coloured bishops which increase Black's chances of a draw Of course a computer will just say +1 for White but this Homo Sapiens reckons the bishop on c2 is a dud, Black's rooks have files and so Black has some compensation It's actually quite hard to see how White makes progress here. This is a high level game, positional factors take precedence
32.Kg3 Rd4
Black intends to take on c4 and if 33.c5 then both white bishops are hemmed in by pawns and Black has full compensation.
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